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Dear Friends,

After a hopeful couple of months we have had to make the very difficult decision to cancel Into the Trees 2020.

As you already know, we had planned to combine Into the Trees with Elderflower Fields this year, as we were unable to run Elderflower Fields in May. We’re sure many of you were looking forward to a bigger and more exciting version of Into the Trees.

Sadly, in the intervening months, it has become apparent that running the festival this year won’t be feasible due to the extraordinary and unavoidable consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic, beyond the control of the event organisers. It is still unclear when mass gatherings will again be allowed to take place this year, and we cannot be confident that we will be able to safely run the festival in September. As a small independent organisation, we cannot continue to plan with such large risks, so are now focussing on the 2021 festival.


We’re excited to plan a magical and nature filled festival which takes you and your family on a fascinating journey through one of the South East’s most unique landscapes.

We are and have always been independent. For us, this means a truly family focussed festival, free from pressures to buy stuff and full of wonderful activities, deeply connected with nature, which will inspire and entertain kids. We’ve resisted pressure to commercialise or grow the size of the event in recent years because we believe it makes for a more positive and transformative experience for kids.

Today we are sending all our 2020 ticket holders an email fully outlining the process for rolling tickets forward to 2021, receiving refunds and making donations. Please keep an eye on your inboxes and junk mail folders. The default position is that all 2020 tickets will be transferred to the 2021 event. Refunds are available to those that need them, but by holding onto your ticket you will be supporting Into the Trees as an independent, family organisation at this difficult time.

Further information is contained in the email to ticket holders and on the website, so please do read that carefully. We’re really going to miss you all this summer, but it won’t be long until we can celebrate together again. In the meantime, please look after each other and we wish good health to you and your families.

With love from the Into the Trees team.

For full details and FAQs, click here

10-12 September 2020

Missing from our lives more than anything is time spent outdoors in nature… Into The Trees takes you on a fascinating journey through one of the South East’s most unique landscapes. A rare chance to relax and actively explore our natural surroundings with your family.

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